CIDI Framework
The CIDI framework is a systematic approach for crafting AI prompts that consists of four key elements: Context (setting the background), Instructions (providing clear directions), Details (specifying parameters), and Input (supplying necessary materials). This structured method ensures comprehensive communication with AI by guiding users through providing all essential information logically, from establishing the situation to...
RACE Prompt Framework
The RACE prompt framework is a structured approach for AI prompting that guides users through four essential steps: Role (defining who the AI should be), Action (specifying the task), Context (providing background), and Execute (setting clear expectations for delivery). This systematic method helps users craft more effective prompts by ensuring all crucial elements are included...
Seven wastes of software development
Similar to what TPS identified as seven categories of waste in manufacturing, also software development has its own wastes.
DevOps Improvements
Acronymat DevOps Areas of improvement - 24 DevOps Capabilities in 5 categories: CD, Architecture, Lean Management and Monitoring, Cultural.
Rugged Manifesto
Acronymat: The Rugged Manifesto for DevOps / DevSecOps: I am rugged and, more importantly, my code is rugged.
SPACE Framework
The SPACE of developer Productivity framework for capture different dimensions of productivity to measure productivity in a better way.
CAMS embodies the core values of DevOps. Culture, Automation, Measurement, Sharing are based on one another.
Seven Principles for Software Development
7 SW Development Principles: The Reason It All Exists, KISS, Maintain the Vision, You Produce - Others Consume, Future, Plan re-use, Think.
Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)
KISS - Keep it simple stupid. Most systems work best if they are simple. A simple design should be the key goal.
DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself
Don't Repeat Yourself is principle helping to avoid repetition of the same information (same code produced multiple times).
ThoughtWorks Agile Maturity Model
The ThoughtWorks Agile Maturity Model applied to building and releasing software. Five maturity levels for five categories.
Testing Pyramid
Balance the Test Pyramid poster. Test Pyramid provides a simple overview of how to balance the testing.