Radical Candor is a framework describing four different behaviors. It is not about personality types. In order to become Radically Candid you need to understand all four types of behavior to enable avoiding the undesired ones. It should guide your interactions on the way to becoming a better and more productive communicator.
Obnoxious Aggression
Also called brutal honesty or front stabbing, is when managers challenge employees directly with no visible personal care. It’s being clear, but not kind. It can be confused with Radical Candor, but no care is shown. Insincere praise, unkind criticism.
Ruinous Empathy
Ruinous Empathy is when managers care personally but fail to challenge others directly. Enabling undesired, unhelpful, and even damaging outcomes by being nice, and overly careful not to hurt a person’s feelings in the short term. Unspecific praise, sugar-coated criticism.
Manipulative Insincerity
Also known as backstabbing or passive-aggressive behavior, is when managers fail to care personally and challenge directly. Neither clear nor specific praise, with insincere, and unkind criticism. It can make a workplace toxic.Insincere praise, behind a back, harsh criticism.
Radical Candor
Managers care personally and challenge others directly. The best way to provide feedback. The person getting the feedback is not hurt and understands both positives and negatives. Sincere, clear, and specific praise, direct, but kind, and unhurtful criticism.